Jason Zembuch Young, an accomplished theatre director and educator hailing from South Plantation High School in Plantation, Florida, has been selected for the prestigious 2023 Excellence in Theatre Education Award, jointly presented by the Tony Awards and Carnegie Mellon University (CMU). With an illustrious career spanning two decades, Zembuch Young has been a beacon of inclusivity in the world of theatre, making it accessible to all audiences. His passion for empowering students from diverse backgrounds, including the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (DHH) population, has been instrumental in reshaping policies and providing opportunities for their artistic expression.
At South Plantation School, Zembuch Young manages a one-person, zero-budget theatre department that flourishes with over 150 student participants in performances each year. In addition to producing two full-length mainstage productions annually, one play and one musical, he conducts performances in both voice and American Sign Language (ASL), demonstrating his unwavering commitment to inclusivity. Furthermore, he organizes a six-week summer-stock theatre camp for elementary and middle school students, offering mentorship opportunities for high school drama students.
Zembuch Young's altruistic endeavors extend beyond the school setting. Together with his husband, Michael, he has fostered and provided a loving home for over 35 abused and underprivileged children, even facilitating the adoption of some of these foster kids. He generously offers free admission to all performances for foster families, ensuring that they can also experience the magic of live theatre.
Selected from a pool of candidates across the nation, Zembuch Young's exceptional dedication and impact on his students' lives have garnered the admiration and recognition of both his local community and the broader Broadway community. Alongside this esteemed award, he will receive $10,000 to support South Plantation High School's theatre program, tickets to The Tony Awards and Gala, and a visiting Master Class for his students, taught by CMU Drama professors.
In his unwavering pursuit of art, expression, and accessibility, Jason Zembuch Young has blazed new trails as an educator, earning the respect and admiration of his peers and students alike. Carnegie Mellon University proudly presents this award to honor his outstanding contributions and transformative achievements in the world of theatre.
This week Jimmy kicks off Season 6 as he talks with 2023 Excellence in Theatre Education Tony Award Winner Jason Young. He talks about his journey to becoming a theatre teacher, working with Deaf and Hard of Hearing individuals in …