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Episodes Archive

May 26, 2021

3.37 A Conversation with Kamilah Bush

This week Jimmy wraps up Season three of THED Talks as he talks with Portland Center Stage Literary Manager Kamilah Bush. She talks about her work in theatre education, dramaturgy, and her award winning new play Nick & the Prizefighter available on New Play Exchange!

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May 19, 2021

3.36 A Conversation with Maria Beilke

This week Jimmy talks with junior theatre education major Maria Beilke.  She talks about her experiences at the University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee, imposter syndrome and burnout, and her passion for educational theatre.

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May 12, 2021

3.35 A Conversation with David Morrison

This week Jimmy talks with Illinois theatre teacher David Morrison.  He talks about his work in professional theatre including the Moscow Art Theatre, imposter syndrome, and building a theatre program.

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May 5, 2021

3.34 A Conversation with Matt Erickson

This week Jimmy talks with Arizona theatre teacher Matt Erickson.  He talks about working with individuals with special needs, adaptive theatre, and his passion for creating a space for kids to play and create without fear of failure!

Listen to the Episode
April 28, 2021

3.33 A Conversation with Michele Traina

This week Jimmy talks with New Jersey based teaching artist Michele Traina.  She talks about her professional work in TYA and her time in the classroom, her exceptional learner oriented theatre company Prop Box Players, and her work in stand up that led to her one woman show Divorce Diaries!

Listen to the Episode
April 21, 2021

3.32 A Conversation with Chris Heckman

This week Jimmy talks with Illinois theatre teacher Chris Heckman! She talks about her years of professional work as an actor and a higher ed teacher and her transition to secondary theatre, technology in the theatre classroom, and theatre for social change!

Listen to the Episode
April 14, 2021

3.31 A Conversation with Jake Noble

This week Jimmy talks with Junior Theatre Education major Jake Noble. Jake attends Ball State University. In this episode we talk about the impact of a theatre teacher, creating a space for all students, and learning to teach theatre and direct online.

Listen to the Episode
April 7, 2021

3.30 A Conversation with Michael Berquist

This week Jimmy talks with Colorado theatre teacher, Michael Berquist.  he talks about splitting time between Middle and High School, being a second year teacher in the middle of a pandemic, and working with diverse learners and the importance of representation.

Listen to the Episode
March 31, 2021

3.29 A Conversation with Britnee Kenyon

This week Jimmy talks with Illinois theatre teacher Britnee Kenyon!  In this episode she talks about her work with her students using Verbatim theatre, how her work in arts management has helped her, and the need for relationships outside our classrooms!

Listen to the Episode
March 24, 2021

3.28 A Conversation with Elena Garcia

This week Jimmy talks with Florida theatre professor, Elena Garcia.  She talks about her background in improvisation, being a woman of color in theatre, and her one woman show!

Listen to the Episode
March 17, 2021

3.27 A Conversation with Mikey Mulhearn

This week Jimmy talks with co-artistic director of Shakespeare on The Deck, Mikey Mulhearn.  He talks about his experiences as a teacher/artist/director of Shakespeare, decolonization of the Bard, and practical tips to incorporate Shakespeare into your classes!

Listen to the Episode
March 10, 2021

3.26 A Conversation with Paula Lockhart

This week Jimmy talks with Louisville, Kentucky based teaching artist Paula Lockhart! She talks about her experiences touring theatre for young audiences shows, the importance of representation in our work, her work as a writer, and being an artist while fat!

Listen to the Episode
March 4, 2021

3.25 A Conversation with Jacque Collom

This week Jimmy talks with Texas Jr. High and High School teacher Jacque Collom.  She speaks about her creative technical theatre on a budget, building relationships with students, and rehabilitating neglected theatre programs.  Check out Jacque's blog and Etsy store!

Listen to the Episode
Feb. 24, 2021

3.24 A Conversation with Erin Gill

This week Jimmy talks with South Carolina theatre teacher Erin Gill. She talks about being a working mother, teacher leadership, and working with students from different backgrounds than your own.

Listen to the Episode
Feb. 10, 2021

3.23 A Conversation with Anne Carncross

This week Jimmy talks with Florida Gulf Coast University's technical director, Anne Carncross.  She talks about the empowering women through technical theatre, working professionally with her students, and presenting at conferences with her students!

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Feb. 3, 2021

3.22 A Conversation with Jonathan Hoskins and Jonathon Long

This week Jimmy talks with former students and theatre teachers Jonathan Hoskins and Jonathon Long! They talk about the importance of theatre in regards to social skills, the family-like role of theatre, and creating new ways to create art in an online world. Check out their streaming series and po…

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Jan. 27, 2021

3.21 A Conversation with Shannon Doering

This week Jimmy talks with Colorado teacher Shannon Doering.  She talks about her work teaching theatre as an English teacher, teaching Shakespeare, wellness and burnout, and teaching during a pandemic.

Listen to the Episode
Jan. 20, 2021

3.20 A Conversation with Steph Svarz

This week Jimmy talks with Illinois theatre teacher Steph Svarz.  She talks about theatre as a communal practice, radio plays, exceptional learners and theatre, and her own podcast, Get Lit!

Listen to the Episode
Jan. 13, 2021

3.19 A Conversation with Dr. Michael J. Vetere, III

This week Jimmy talks with his colleague at Illinois State University, Dr. Michael J Vetere III. He talks about the need for creative play, his work with puppets, and his research in arts integration!

Listen to the Episode
Dec. 16, 2020

3.18 A Conversation with Tom Skobel and Katie Apperson

This week Jimmy talks with Illinois power theatre teacher couple Katie Apperson and Tom Skobel. They talk about their masters work at Roosevelt University, the impact of theatre teachers, Katie's podcast, and surviving and thriving in a home with two theatre teachers!

Listen to the Episode
Dec. 9, 2020

3.17 A Conversation with Dr. Cyndee Brown

This week Jimmy talks with Dr. Cyndee Brown.  She talks about her long career in theatre education, transitioning from high school to university teaching, the hope of the future of theatre education, and the challenges of taking over a high school program from another director/teacher.

Listen to the Episode
Dec. 2, 2020

3.16 A Conversation with Allison Brower

This week Jimmy talks with former student teacher now colleague Allison Brower of South Carolina. She talks about getting her masters at Roosevelt University, utilizing outside directors, her 24 hour play project, and self care.

Listen to the Episode
Nov. 25, 2020

3.15 A Conversation with Glenn Morehouse Olson

This week Jimmy talks with Minnesota theatre teacher Glenn Morehouse Olson.  She talks about her work in theatre administration, taking students to the fringe festival, and her mantra that theatre is for everyone.

Listen to the Episode
Nov. 18, 2020

3.14 A Conversation with Dr. Jim DeVivo

This week Jimmy talks with middle and high school teacher Dr. Jim DeVivo.  He talks about playwriting and devising theatre, and the role of theatre in the school community.

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